Aylesbury was awarded Garden Town status in 2018 and UP has been working since 2019 to develop comprehensive public realm improvement proposals for Kingsbury & Market Square, the two main historic squares at the heart of the town centre. We’re proposing a new ‘Garden Square’ for the Garden Town in Kingsbury, and we describe Market Square as the town’s ‘Urban Living Room’.

The project will re-lay Market Square’s distinctive Dennerhill cobbles, with new accessible paths to market stalls. At Kingsbury all surface water run-off will be gathered into raingarden attenuation SuDS. The site is a pedestrianised zone to allow safe accessible use for all across the public realm – Aylesbury is the home of the Paralympic movement, at Stoke Mandeville. Extensive planting throughout responds to climate change and biodiversity imperatives.
A project for Buckinghamshire Council funded through New Homes Bonus. Images by UP.