UP worked with the US-based landscape designers of two rooftop gardens for the Aga Khan Centre at King’s Cross Central. We advised planting selections suitable for the UK, and oversaw their installation and maintenance. The Garden of Light is a courtyard garden which uses a modular suspended pavement system to maximise soil volume for the healthy root growth of its 8 Magnolia ‘Merrill’ trees.

The Garden of Life has an open terraced aspect with views across central London. Inspired by the Mughal gardens of India, its sensory qualities are realised with Persian Ironwood, pear, hazel, medlar and quince trees, underplanted with selected flowering quince bushes, iris and other perennials. These create seasonal interest and support biodiversity.

“Each roof garden, terrace and courtyard at the Aga Khan Centre echoes Islamic architectural and garden styles. These contemporary landscape spaces represent the diversity of Muslim cultures around the world and over time. The gardens at the Aga Khan Centre are open to the public for tours.” Aga Khan Centre website statement

NLA Awards ‘People’s Choice’ winning project, with Nelson Byrd Woltz and Madison Cox Associates for the Aga Khan Development Network. Photos by Hufton + Crow, Edmund Sumner and UP.